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Fetchnotes is an easy way to keep track of anything and collaborate instantly

Fetchnotes in web-based note-taking tool and mobile app with the purpose to write, organize, and share notes. Although the tool relies on mainly on basic functions, according to Sarah Perez of TechCrunch, the simplicity is “actually one of Fetchnotes’ key selling points” and is used as a way to take notes more similar to the way individuals minds work.



As laid out on the interface’s homepage, along with the ability to share notes and collaborate with other users by typing the “@” symbol followed by the username, Fetchnotes also uses hashtags to organize as you type, is accessible almost anywhere, provides tools to “get things done” such as the option to archive notes, and allows for easy ways to filter and search notes.

Upon creating a Fetchnotes account, simply through providing an email and password, users are greeted by an introductory tutorial explaining the already easy-to-use interface and are given the immediate opportunity to begin creating, organizing, and sharing notes.

Over the course of the Fetchnotes experience, users are encouraged to collaborate with others, contact the Fetchnotes team, and likely to receive friendly and welcoming emails from Fetchnotes creators as interaction and note-publishing continues.

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