Fetchnotes Project Schedule

Fetchnotes Project Schedule

Over spring break 3/9- 3/15...
1. Create a Fetchnotes account/login
2. Explore Fetchnote basic functionality–what it does, how it works, what are the main goal of the app (while taking notes)
3. Look further into the details of the app–options, features offered (while taking notes)
4. Fill in the Writer/Designer Analysis Questions

Back at school 3/16- 3/20…
5. Monday– Answer questions & create notes of the assignment requirements for the analysis portion (basic functionality, how the app controls or influences my/others interactions with it, design choices, affordances & constraints), to use to create an outline of web essay.
6. Monday– Write notes of evaluation based off of the analysis notes from step 5
7. Monday– Create complete outline web essay
8. Tuesday– Take screenshots to use to support my analysis
9. Wednesday– Draft web essay
10. Thursday– Draft slideshow

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